Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dentist and baby kitty!

Payton had his first trip to the dentist this past week!  He did great!  We are so proud of him!  We found a wonderful pediatric dentist that really does a wonderful job at making the dentist fun for kids.  They even get ice cream and a balloon when they are done!


Payton also got a baby kitty this week!  We already have a cat that Payton loves to try and play with.  But he is 7 years old and is pretty content at just laying around.   So we thought it was time to get him his very own kitten.  He just adores her!  She is just over 3 months old, so just the right size for Payton to pick up and carry around the house!  She is a great kitty and pretty mellow.  She doesn't even mind Payton constantly picking her up or trying to hand feed her!  

Friday, September 7, 2007

Rough week...

This was a rough week...   Monday night Payton was admited to the hospital for his asthma.  He is doing much better now though.  Monday he started breathing pretty fast and looked like he was working pretty hard at it.   I was going to start a breathing treatment, but he just wasn't acting right, so I just brought him into Urgent Care at Childrens Mercy instead.  As soon as we got there they led us straight back to a room and saw a doctor right away.  (Pretty unusual, usually you have to wait for a couple of hours.)  They did numerous breathing treatments back to back and gave him a dose of steroids.  They then did chest X-rays to make sure there was no other infection. 

We were admitted up to the floor about 1:30 in the morning and spent the night getting breathing treatments.  When he fell asleep his oxygen levels dropped so he was put on oxygen.  He only needed it for a short time.  He was much better on Tuesday, so they sent us home Tuesday evening.  He is doing much better now, except that the steriods that he is on have him completely wired and hyper.  The first two nights we were home he didn't go to sleep until 4 am!  Last night it was midnight, so I guess that is better!  He is off of the steriods now, so I hope we can get back to a normal routine.

He is now on a more aggressive Asthma action plan, so hopefully the higher doses of preventive medicine will keep us from having to go to the hospital again. 

Here is a picture I took on my cell phone of my little guy on oxygen while he was sleeping.