Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mommys boys!!

We found out yesterday that we are having a baby boy!!   We are very excited and so is Payton!!  He has been telling us the entire time that it was a boy and he was right!  We can now start focusing on picking out names and getting the nursery together.  My doctors appointment went well and I have started gaining weight which is a good thing.  I am always hungry now, so I wasn't surprised.  I scanned in some ultrasound pictures but I don't have any really good ones because the baby was on a complete sugar high!  I had my first of at least two glucose tests yesterday as well.  (I have tried to rearrange the photo albums to put any that I updated on top, but for some reason it won't let me, so you have to scroll down to get to the pregnancy and belly pictures albums).  The sugar drink stuff made him act crazy!  He was literally doing somersaults!  It was crazy to watch him kick and feel it at the same time.  So the technichan had a difficult time getting any good pictures to print out.  She was able to do all of the measurements that she needed though and was able to tell that it is a boy.  He is measuring right on target at about 9 ounces.    I hadn't really felt much movement yet except for a few little twinges here or there, but the last two days I have been able to feel a lot more.  Payton even got to feel a kick today.  Daddy wasn't quick enough, so he hasn't got to feel it yet. 

Overall we have been keeping busy with work and PreK and just trying to stay warm!  It was 65 degrees a couple of weeks ago and now it is freezing!  Strange midwest weather!!  So at least we got to get outside for a little bit.  It has been nice to get back to our normal routine after the holidays.  The holidays are great, but our family does much better with some routine, so it has been nice to get back to that.


I forgot to upload these videos of Payton singing Christmas songs before and just came across them.  They were too cute to not share. 



Goofy Payton!!!