Wednesday, March 19, 2008

3 years olds...

Whoever developed the term “Terrible Twos” obviously did it before their child turned three!!  All’s that I can say is WOW, I don’t even recognize my child sometimes.  I have learned that I am not alone though.  I have been doing lots of reading and talking with other parents and most of them agree, that the Threes are much worse than the Twos.   With Two, we had the occasional tantrum, but nothing major.  And it was usually when he was overly tired.  But with Three, you get the attitudes, stubbornness and pushing every limit possible. 

They strive to be so independent at this age, which is great, but can also be part of the problem.  For example, Payton loves to help clean around the house and help me in the kitchen.  So he just doesn’t understand why when he is sitting on the counter helping me clean off dishes (and spraying water everywhere and flooding the kitchen at the same time) he has to get down, because to him he is helping.

I just keep telling myself that this is a phase and he won’t be three forever.  Only 8 months and 15 days left of the Threes.  (Not that I am counting or anything!!)

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny! I was laughing at his post! I really hope things get easier for you soon! HOpefully the Terrible Two\'s won\'t last the entire time that he\'s three! I\'ll be coming to you in a year or so asking for some help with Zallie hits that stage! Good luck!
