Sunday, May 2, 2010

More missing teeth and cruising around!

Since I last updated, Payton has lost another tooth! That makes two gone for him, and two total for Easton! Eastons teeth just seem to be on their own time schedule. It doesn’t stop him from eating just about anything though.

The boys have both done great since their surgeries. After the first few really rough days with Payton he did great. I am amazed as to how much better he sleeps now. I used to be able to tell if he was sleeping from the hallway just by the way he was breathing. Now I can’t tell and actually have to go and check on him to make sure he is okay. I also don’t hear him up and stirring all the time throughout the night.

We also just found out that Payton made the cut for full day kindergarten. We are so glad. He will do so great in a full day setting. I guess not everyone made it in because there were just not enough spots. Easton has learned to pull himself up and is now cruising along furniture. So, pretty much he gets into everything now! He loves to pull the toilet paper off and put it in the toilet! So basically I need to clean a little more often! (In my free time, HA!) He also loves to pull up to the window and bang on it! The neighbors probably think we never let the poor guy outside! Easton is getting the funniest personality. He likes to play little games and is just becoming quite humorous. He really enjoys going for walks and just being out and about in his stroller. He is also getting very talkative. He mostly says mama and baba. He says mama when we wants me or when he is crying or wakes up and he says baba when he wants to eat. He is starting to get stranger anxiety. He is okay as long as we are holding him and he is interacting with others, but if the other person wants to hold him he is not so sure. If he knows someone though, he get so excited to see them and starts kicking his legs and starts laughing.

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